A lyrics snippet is a very short representation of a song lyrics. It’s usually twenty to a hundred characters long and it’s calculated extracting a sequence of words from the lyrics.
This method requires authentication.
{ "message": { "header": { "status_code": 200, "execute_time": 0.017257928848267 }, "body": { "snippet": { "snippet_language": "en", "restricted": 0, "instrumental": 0, "snippet_body": "You shoot me down, but I won't fall", "script_tracking_url": "http:\/\/tracking.musixmatch.com\/t1.0\/xcjSq2", "pixel_tracking_url": "http:\/\/tracking.musixmatch.com\/t1.0\/\/XHigoRKM", "html_tracking_url": "http:\/\/tracking.musixmatch.com\/t1.0\/fSkLiROnf", "updated_time": "2012-03-22T12:32:32Z" } } } }
{ "message": { "header": { "status_code": 200, "execute_time": 0.076300859451294 }, "body": { "snippet": { "snippet_language": "en", "restricted": 0, "instrumental": 0, "snippet_body": "And that was when I kissed her", "script_tracking_url": "http:\/\/tracking.musixmatch.com\/t1.0\/vP\/4tEM8IvAktR", "pixel_tracking_url": "http:\/\/tracking.musixmatch.com\/t1.0\/NFzFhcY8YtgTICf1", "html_tracking_url": "http:\/\/tracking.musixmatch.com\/t1.0\/1qIYKTNdc", "updated_time": "2012-03-12T11:56:56Z" } } } }